


最後的現代主義大師──貝聿銘I. M. Pei的全球唯一官方作品集

《貝聿銘作品全集》/ Philip JodidioJanet Adams Strong / 積木文化2012.09.06 出版 




.由專業建築作家Philip Jodidio和I. M. Pei & Partners媒體公關部主任Janet Adams Strong共同執筆,完全記錄貝聿銘的52件作品,其設計過程和歷史背景。

006 序:建築是藝術和歷史的融合(貝聿銘)
009 導言(Carter Wiseman)
018 前言:1948–1995: 貝聿銘的持續與創新(Janet Adams Strong)
020 The Helix
New York, New York, 1948~49, (unbuilt)
024 Gulf Oil Building
Atlanta, Georgia, 1949~50
028 Webb & Knapp Executive Offices
New York, New York, 1949~52
032 Pei Residence
Katonah, New York, 1952
036 Mile High Center
Denver, Colorado, 1952~56
040 Southwest Washington Urban Redevelopment
Washington, D.C., 1953~62
044 The Hyperboloid
New York, New York, 1954~56 (unbuilt)
048 Kips Bay Plaza
New York, New York, 1957~62
054 Luce Memorial Chapel
Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, 1956–63
060 Society Hill
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1957~64
064 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Cecil and Ida Green Center for Earth Sciences(1959~64)
Camille Edouard Dreyfus Chemistry Building(1964~70)
Ralph Landau Chemical Engineering Building(1972~76)
068 East~West Center
University of Hawaii
Manoa, Hawaii, 1960~63
072 University Plaza
New York University
New York, New York, 1960~66
076 National Airlines Terminal
John F. Kennedy International Airport
New York, New York, 1960–70
080 National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, Colorado, 1961~67
086 Everson Museum
Syracuse, New York, 1961~68
092 Federal Aviation Administration Air Traffic
Control Towers
Various locations, 1962~65
096 Cleo Rogers Memorial County Library
Columbus, Indiana, 1963~71
100 ALICO (Wilmington Tower)
Wilmington, Delaware, 1963~71
104 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library
Dorchester, Massachusetts, 1964~79
110 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
Commerce Court
Toronto, Canada, 1965~73
114 Des Moines Art Center Addition
Des Moines, Iowa, 1965~68
118 Dallas City Hall
Dallas, Texas, 1966~77
124 Bedford~Stuyvesant Superblock
Brooklyn, New York, 1966~69
128 Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York, 1968~73
132 National Gallery of Art, East Building
Washington, D. C., 1968~78
148 Paul Mellon Center for the Arts
The Choate School
Wallingford, Connecticut, 1968~73
152 Oversea~Chinese Banking Corporation Centre
Singapore, 1970~76
156 Raffles City
Singapore, 1969~86
160 Laura Spelman Rockefeller Halls
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey, 1971~73
164 Museum of Fine Arts
West Wing and Renovation
Boston, Massachusetts, 1977~ 81
(renovation 1977~ 86)
168 IBM Office Building
Purchase, New York, 1977~84
172 Texas Commerce Tower
United Energy Plaza
Houston, Texas, 1978~82
176 Wiesner Building
Center for Arts & Media Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1978~84
180 Fragrant Hill Hotel
Beijing, China, 1979~82
188 Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center
Dallas, Texas, 1981~89
194 Bank of China
Hong Kong, 1982~89
202 Choate Rosemary Hall Science Center
Wallingford, Connecticut, 1985~89
206 Creative Artists Agency
Beverly Hills, California, 1986~89
210 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame + Museum
Cleveland, Ohio, 1987~95
216 1983– 2008: I. M. Pei and the Challenge of History
Philip Jodidio
218 Grand Louvre
Paris, France; Phase I: 1983~89; Phase II: 1989~93
252 Pei and the Louvre
Emile J. Biasini
256 Four Seasons Hotel
New York, New York, 1989–93
260 “Joy of Angels” Bell Tower
Misono, Shigaraki, Shiga, Japan, 1988–90
264 Miho Museum
Misono, Shigaraki, Shiga, Japan, 1991–97
278 Bank of China
Head Office
Beijing, China, 1994~2001
286 Musée d'Art Moderne Grand~Duc Jean (MUDAM)
Luxembourg, 1995~2006
296 Deutsches Historisches Museum Zeughaus
Berlin, Germany, 1996~2003
304 Oare Pavilion
Wiltshire, United Kingdom, 1999~2003
310 Suzhou Museum
Suzhou, China, 2000–06
326 Museum of Islamic Art
Doha, Qatar, 2000–08
342 注釋
354 分類目錄(Janet Adams Strong)
362 索引
366 致謝
367 圖片版權



Shannon Deason: 「當我想到貝聿銘,優雅精確浮現在腦海中,他的建築是藝術工程師的做法。在過去25年的偉大的建築師之一。這本書是夢幻般的讚揚。文本是學術性的,但不真正的圖像捕捉貝聿銘的藝術工程。非常喜歡看到這一本他的書。一個優秀的貝聿銘。
Pei admirer "Margaret": 「神奇的書,美麗的照片,我們真的很享受不同工程建築,和所有有關他的作品的背景資料介紹。我肯定會推薦這本書給貝聿銘崇拜者或向任何人想看到他漂亮的作品。很透徹,這是一本大書,希望每個人的茶几上都有一本,至少我們的必須要有。」
Szpilman: 「他創造了本世紀最美的內部空間和外部形態。」
霜晨月: 「這是一本好書,千年不遇的好書。」

Philip Jodidio
1980至2002年擔任法國藝術雜誌「Connaissance des Arts」的主編,也專門編著建築書籍,包括安藤忠雄、理查邁爾(Richard Meier)、諾曼福斯特(Norman Foster)等。

Janet Adams Strong







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